Math 214
Linear Systems
Spring 2008


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Math 214 Spring 2008: Quizzes

Quiz  Topic Hint Assigned Due
BONUS 7 Orthogonal Matrices The main condition that defines an orthogonal matrix is that Q-1 = QT.(when Q is square). The more general condition is that QTQ = I. 4/11 4/14
NINE Orthogonal Complements Just keep in mind what vector is being projected in what direction, so that your answer should be a scalar multiple of exactly what vector? Recall that you only know how to project a vector onto another vector, not onto a multi-dimensional subspace. 4/11 4/14
BONUS 6 Diagonalization! More practice with diagonalization, eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Recall the conditions for when a matrix is diagonalizable. (i.e. S must have n distinct eigenvectors, but not neccessarily n distinct eigenvalues). 4/4 4/7
EIGHT Applications of Similarity and Diagonalization Asymptotic behavior relates to behavior as some parameter gets infinitely large. It's interesting that we can do this for a matrix being raised to an asymptotic power. Keep all the fractions around and THEN take the limit as n -> infinity. 4/4 4/7
BONUS 5 Properties of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors TRUE or FALSE quiz. Recall to show something is TRUE, it must always be TRUE. For FALSE you just have to list a counter example and explain how this refutes the statement.
HINT: think about the restrictions on the eigenvalues of a matrix. Are there any? How would the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix change if one swapped the rows and columns?
3/28 3/31
SEVEN Eigenvalues, Eigenvectors and Inverses Practice finding the eigenvalues and eigenspaces associated with a given matrix (and its inverse). How might  the eigenvalues of a matrix and its inverse be related? 3/28 3/31
BONUS 4 Rank, Independence, Basis and Dimension This quiz helps with collecting all the various concepts surrounding rank, linear independence, basis, subspaces and dimension together. 3/7 3/17
SIX Subspaces Associated With Matrices Think about the ways the rank of a system relates to the associated subspaces of a matrix and the implications that has for whether a solution will  have a unique solution or not. 3/7 3/17
FIVE TRUE OR FALSE: Matrix Inverses A statement is only TRUE if it always TRUE but it is FALSE if you can provide a COUNTER EXAMPLE which satisfies the hypothesis of the statement but not the conclusion 2/22 2/25
BONUS 3 TRUE OR FALSE. To get full credit for a TRUE answer you have to PROVE that the statement is TRUE. 2/22 2/25
FOUR Matrix Operations Think carefully about what kind of matrices can self-multiply and what it means for a matrix to be equal to another. YOUR EXPLANATION OF "WHY" IS WORTH MORE THAN YES OR NO. 2/15 2/20
BONUS 2 Homogeneous and Non-homogeneous linear systems. Look at the two vector forms of your solutions for the homogeneous case (a=b=0) and non-homogeneous case (a=b=1) and interpret how these geometric objects are related to each other (in space). 2/8 2/11
GROUP 1 Reduced Row Echelon Form The main thing to think about is how the different forms of the reduced row echelon form correspond to the different kinds of linear systems that have 0, 1 or Infinite number of solutions 2/13 2/13
THREE Solving Linear Systems by Elimination Think carefully about all the possible values of a and how that may influence what calculations you can make. 2/8 2/11
BONUS 1 Lines and Planes Note that a plane can be defined as the set of points orthogonal to a vector, so that Ax + By + Cz = D has [A,B,C] as its normal vector. Thus you can find the angle between a line and a plane by finding the angle between the line's direction vector and the plane's normal vector.. 2/1 2/4
TWO Solving Linear Systems Think carefully about all the possible values of a and how that may influence what calculations you can make. 2/1 2/4
ONE Vectors and Projections Draw a picture of the two projections
 (u upon v and v upon u) and see if you think they would be equivalent or not.
1/25 1/28

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Last Updated April 16, 2008