Math 214
Linear Systems
Spring 2008


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Ron Buckmire
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Math 214 Spring 2008: Syllabus

The official syllabus for the course is available (in PDF form) right here.
My Learning Outcomes for this class are:
  •  Develop a deep and flexible understanding of fundamental concepts in linear algebra
  • Clearly articulate concepts in linear algebra in both oral and written forms.
  • Perform routine calculations related to fundamental concepts in linear algebra.
  •  Develop an appreciation of selected applications of concepts in linear algebra
The Official Math Departmental Learning Outcomes for this class are:
Outcome 1.2: Students will demonstrate understanding of fundamental concepts in Linear Algebra.
Outcome 3.2: Students will give a clear and well-organized presentation on a mathematical topic.
Outcome 3.3: Students can use the language of mathematics in order to present proofs of elementary mathematics statements.
Outcome 3.4: Students can interpret and clearly explain fundamental mathematical concepts to make them understandable to a lay person

Last Updated April 08, 2008