Math 400 History of Mathematics Spring  2020

Prof.  Buckmire




Homework Quizzes












FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS (100 points total)

There will be frequent homework assignments with lots of opportunities to earn Extra Credit as well.

HW Topic Assigned Due Points Solutions
#0 Automathography:

Automathography is a neologism composed of the word autobiography and math, and it is basically a a biography of your mathematical self, written by you. Tell me the answers to the following questions: what 300-level mathematics courses have you taken? What is your favorite math class so far (and why?) what you find hardest. What are your mathematical interests? What do you plan to do after graduation? Why did you sign up for this course and what do you expect to get out of it? If your aims for taking this course are different from the stated goals in the syllabus, please let me know. If you have any anxieties about this course, or any special problems or needs, let me know. You are encouraged to be creative in your response; don't be pedantic and only answer the questions asked above; they are intended to serve as a guide for your written introduction to me.

Send an attachment with no more than 500 words by the beginning of the Tue Jan 28th class.

Tue 01.21.20 Tue 01.28.20 5 N/A
#1 PSP: Euler's Calculation of the Sum of the Reciprocal of the Squares Tue 01.21.20 Tue 02.04.20 12 YES
EC #1 Exercise on Page 4 of WS #1 Tue 01.21.20 Tue 02.04.20 5 YES
#2 (Adapted from Eves, p. 461-462) Named Differential Equations Tue 02.04.20 Tue 02.11.20 6 YES
EC #2 Exercise D on Page 6 of WS #2 Tue 02.04.20 Tue 02.11.20 5 YES
#3 Properties of Chebyshev Polynomials Tue 02.11.20 Tue 02.18.20 8 YES
#4 Gaussian Quadrature Tue 02.18.20 Tue 02.25.20 5 YES
EC #3 Solve the 2-point Gaussian Quadrature System of Equations Tue 02.18.20 Tue 02.25.20 5 YES
#5 Cauchy Residue Calculus Tue 02.25.20 Tue 03.03.20 5 YES
#6 PSP #2: Why Be So Critical Tue 03.03.20 Tue 03.31.20 9 Moodle
EC #4 Comparison of Infinite Sets (from WS #7) Tue 03.24.20 Tue 03.31.20 5 YES
#7 The Riemann Zeta Function and Bernouilli Numbers Tue 04.14.20 Tue 04.21.20 8 Moodle
#8 Modern Mathematicians Tue 04.14.20 Tue 04.28.20 8 N/A