Math 370: Numerical Analysis
Prerequisite: Mathematics 220 (Multivariate Calculus)
Instructor: Ron Buckmire
Text: Numerical Analysis by Burden and Faires
Schedule: Mondays, in Fowler 201, and Wednesdays and Fridays 1:30-2:25am, in Fowler 127
Course Calendar: List of topics to be covered during the semester
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays 3:30pm to 5pm
Class List: There is a list of students registered for Numerical Analysis in Spring 1997.
How To Use This Web Page
If you are a member of the class, you should probably bookmark this page. On it you will be able to access all class documents, such as homework solutions, quizzes, test solutions, exam reports and class worksheets. Class documents are mostly in LaTeX but I have also made the DVI and Postscript.
Thanks to a student named Dan Bleskan the materials are in GIF format so they can be viewed with your browser.
If you are a member of my class this semester you should check back here for Course Announcements on a regular basis.
Semester Grades are now available. You can call me at 259-2536 or come by my office, before Tuesday May 13!
Your Semester Portfolio is due TODAY.
The last day you can hand in your Term Project is Monday May 5.
Exam 3 has been distributed and is due by
Your Portfolio is due in class on Friday April 25.
Final Draft of Term Projects are due the week of Monday April 28.
Assessment 7 is now due on Friday April 11.
Assessment 8 is due on Wednesday April 16.
Exam 3 will be given to you in class on Friday April 18 and you will have to turn it in during class on Monday April 21.
Your first draft of your term project is due Friday April 18. The final version of the group project is due during finals week (Monday April 28).
Assessment 7 is due on Wednesday April 9. There are a number of TruBasic programs available in order to assist you with doing composite numerical integration.
The first draft of your Term Project is due on . The final version of the Project is due Monday April 28.
I have added Problem 20, Page 168 to Assessment 6, which is due on April 2.
Also due on April 2 is your (50 word) abstract of your group term project.
You will have a take home quiz given to you in class today which is due in class on Monday March 31.
On Thursday April 3 at 4:30pm Professor Kevin Knudson of Northwestern University will speak on ``Who's Number One?''. I'll expect class members to attend, if they can. He will be speaking on fixed points of multidimensional functions.
Assessment #6 was distributed and is
due in class on Wednesday April 2.
Groups for the Term Project have been chosen and are as follows:
- Group 1
- Esau Berumen
- Victor Chacón
- Sal Mendoza
- Doug Young
- Group 2
- Jaason Engle
- Amy Hronek
- Group 3
- Irina Brubaker
- Grace Choi
- Glen Kabumoto
- Group 4
- Dan Reeves
- Melissa Ronac
- Group 5
- Cynthia Lok
- Winnie Lam
- Group 6
- Juan Arrecis
- Group 7
- Victoria Delgado
- Dina Rojas
- Bryan Younger
EXAM 2 is scheduled for Friday March 14
Assessment 5 is due in class on Friday March 7.
Class member Esau Berumen is giving his
Senior Comprehensive Talk titled The Pitch today at 3pm in Fowler 112.
Class member Victoria Delgado is giving her Senior Comprehensive Talk titled All About Interpolation Tuesday March 11 at 3pm in Fowler 112.
I have made some more TruBasic programs available for you to use to assist you in doing your homework and exploring the material in this course. They are titled ALG32.TRU
and ALG34.TRU
. They compute Newton Interpolating Polynomials using Divided Differences and Natural Piecewise Cubic Splines, respectively.
MakeUp Exam 1 is due in class on Friday February 28.
I have put a number of textbooks on reserve in the library for those of you
who do not reading the text, Burden and Faires.
Names of the members of each Term Project Group are ALSO due in class on Friday February 28.
Exam 1 is being given to you in a slightly modified form for you to do as a take-home exam or homework assessment this week. It will be due in class on Friday February 28.
Luis Herrero, Jr will be giving a talk titled "Halley's Method" on Tuesday February 25, 1997 at 3pm.
- Quiz Number 1
- Quiz Number 2
- Quiz Number 3
- Report on Exam #1
- Report on Exam #2
- Homework #3 Solutions
- Homework #4 Solutions
- Homework #5 Solutions
- Homework #6 Solutions
- Homework #7 Solutions
- Homework #8 Solutions
- Machine Representation of Numbers
- Floating Point Arithmetic and Round-Off Error
- Floating Point Arithmetic and Algorithms
- Rates of Convergence and Big and Little "Oh"
- Orders Of Magnitude; Introduction to Bisection
- Root Finding: Bisection Method and Regula Falsi
- More on Bisection and False Position
- Newton's Method and Secant Method
- Fixed Point Iteration
- More on Fixed Point Iteration
- Rates of Convergence of Iterative Methods
- Accelerating Convergence and Summary of Iterative Methods
- Using Aitken's Acceleration and Termination Criteria
- Review Sheet for Exam 1
- Exam 1
- Introduction to Interpolation
- Polynomial Interpolation (continued)
- Newton Polynomials and Divided Differences
- Using Polynomial Interpolation
- Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation: SPLINES
- End Of Interpolation; Intro to Approximation Theory
- Approximation Theory (continued)
- Review for Exam 2
- Exam #2
- Applications Of Polynomial Interpolation: Numerical Differention
- Numerical Differentiation Continued
- Numerical Differentiation Concludes
- Numerical Differentiation and Integration
- Numerical Integration
- Trapezoid Rule, Simpson's Rule, Midpoint Rule
- Newton-Cotes Formulae and Composite Numerical Integration
- Composite Integration and Gaussian Quadrature
- Gaussian Quadrature and Improper Integrals
- Evaluating Improper Integrals Numerically
- Review for Exam 3
- Exam #3
This page has been accessed
times since February 14, 1997.
Last Updated July 10, 1997 by Ron Buckmire