Math 396 / Math 400

Resources / Models

Ron Buckmire
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Course Schedule


Math 396: SCHEDULE

Week 1: Tue Jan 19
Introduction to the Math 396 class and mathematical modeling.
Week 2: Tue Jan 26
Mathematical modeling example (robustness and sensitivity)
Week 3: Tue Feb 2
DISCRETE MODEL. Guest Speaker: Anthony Bonato. "Models of Online Social Networks."
Week 4: Tue Feb 9
MACHINE LEARNING MODEL. Guest Speaker: Treena Basu. "The Data Science Model."
Week 5: Tue Feb 16
DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION MODEL. Guest Speaker: Sherry Scott. "An Introduction to Mathematical Epidemiology and COVID-19."
Week 6: Tue Feb 23
PROBABILISTIC MODEL. Guest Speaker: Jorgen Harris. "An Economic Model of Discrimination."
Week 7: Tue Mar 2
Discuss Groups Selection and Model Choice. Fill out Team and Model Survey by Mon Mar 1.
Week 8: Tue Mar 9
Spring Break: NO CLASS!
Week 9: Tue Mar 16
Group Problem and Model Reports
Week 10: Tue Mar 23
Work in groups on selected model
Week 9: Tue Mar 30
Group Progress Reports
Week 10: Tue Apr 6
Work in groups on selected model
Week 11: Tue Apr 13
Work in groups on selected model
Week 12: Tue Apr 20
Founder's Day: NO CLASS!
Week 13: Tue Apr 27
Group Final Oral Presentations synchronously in class.
Finals Week: Tue May 4
Group Final Written Presentation Due by 5pm.

Classes in Spring 2021 are most Tuesdays from 10:05am to 11:40am PT remotely via Zoom 

Last Updated January 20, 2021