Math 396 / Math 400

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Ron Buckmire
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Math 396: MODELS

We will be reviewing the following models in this class with an amazing collection of guest speakers from Oxy and other institutions:

Date Guest Disciplinary Expert Kind of Model Discipline Topic/Title Readings and Prep Materials
February 2, 2021 Anthony Bonato
Professor of Mathematics, Ryerson University (Canada)
Discrete Mathematics Networks/Graph Theory   "Models of Online Social Networks" (Bonato, et al, 2009). Complex networks and social networks (Bonato & Tian, 2012).
February 9, 2021 Treena Basu, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Occidental College Machine Learning Data Science   ("Predictive Models of Student College Commitment Decisions." (Basu, Basu, Buckmire, & Lal, 2019). Luis Serrano's "A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning" (30 minute YouTube video)
February 16, 2021 Sherry Scott, formerly Milwaukee School of Engineering, and Abba Gumel, Foundation Professor of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University Differential Equations Epidemiology   Articles on Mathematical Modeling of COVID-19 Dynamics and Control (Gumel et al, 2020). Mathematial Explanation of SIR Disease Model for COVID-19 (25 minute YouTube video). "A Model to Predict COVID-19 Epidemics with Applications to South Korea, Italy, and Spain." (short SIAM News article). "Postlockdown Dynamics of COVID-19 in New York, Florida, Arizona, and
." (Scott et. al, 2021)
February 23, 2021 Jorgen Harris, Assistant Professor of Economics, Occidental College Probability & Statistics Economics   "Will Affirmative Action Policies Eliminate Negative Stereotypes?" (Coates & Loury, 1993). "Mathematical Models of Racial Discrimination" (Harris, 2021). Bayes' Theorem (15 minute YouTube video).

Last Updated January 19, 2021