Introduction to Categorical Propositions
in QL
Consider the English sentence:
How do we translate this sentence into QL?
The sentence is about some ravens, and about some black things. Thus we might be
tempted to try:
where "Rx" is "x is a raven: and "Bx" is "x
is black. The problem with this is that it is telling us that some things are
ravens and some things are black. But those things might not be the same thing.
What we're really after is a way of saying that there is something that is both
a raven and a black thing. To express this we need the following
We read this as follows: "There is something
which is both a raven and black." Notice that instead of having two
existentially quantified propositions conjoined, we have an existential
quantifier ranging over the conjunction. This represents a new class of
proposition, one we haven't encountered until now. We call propositions like
this categorical propositions.
The logic of categorical propositions, (which
are central to Quantificational Logic) was fairly well understood in ancient
times. We're going to step back and look at the (mostly) true things ancient
logicans had to say about such propositions before we return to representing
them in QL.
Before going on, you should complete the
following Mixed Translation Exercise, which contains a mixture of the different
types of quantified propositions we've studied so far.