Mixed Translation Exercise

Translate the following English sentences into QL. Provide a dictionary:


  1. Not everyone is tired.
  2. Some are logicians but none are mathematicians.
  3. Ignat is hungry but so is everyone.
  4. Either Harry is the leader or something is rotten.
  5. Wanda is wicked just in case someone is.
  6. Wanda isn't wicked and neither is anyone.
  7. Someone isn't fair.
  8. Everyone isn't here.
  9. It's not the case that everyone is here.
  10. If Blanche doesn't understand, no one does.
  11. Neither Harry nor Annie spoke English.
  12. If Martha and Tillie are cool, then Fred is if everyone is.
  13. All Democrats are burned out but not all Republicans are.
  14. Some tennis fans are hungry just in case it's not the case that no tennis fans are.
  15. Some logicians are bald but Belinda isn't.


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