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List of Works The List of Works list below came from a past UCLA webpage This site contains an extensive list of works about Ernesto Galarza and works by Ernesto Galarza. The works highlighted in blue are links to the Occidental Library Catalog. Biographical SourcesThe following works are listed in order of publication.
1950 Who's who in America: A biographical directory of notable living men and women. Vol. 26 (1950-1951), p. 954. Chicago: Marquis. 1970 Levelier, B. Outstanding Americans of Mexican descent (p. 7). Menlo Park, CA: Educational Consulting Associates. 1970 Man of fire: Ernesto Galarza. In J. London & H. Anderson So shall ye reap, (pp. 115-140). New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company. Reprinted in R. Rosaldo, R. Calvert, & C. Seligmann (Eds.), (1973), Chicanos: The evolution of a people, (pp. 278-292). Minneapolis: Winston Press. 1972 Alford, H. J. The proud people: The heritage and culture of the Spanish-speaking peoples of the United States (pp. 269-270).. New York: McKay. 1974 Fink, G. M. (Ed.), Biographical dictionary of American labor leaders (pp. 116-117). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 1981 Meier, M., & Rivera, F. Dictionary of Mexican American history (pp. 140-141). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 1982 1982 Zaragoza, A. Agricultural labor history: An assessment of the works of Ernesto Galarza. In M. Barrera, F. Hernandez, & A. Camarillo (Eds.), Work, family, sex roles, language, the National Association for Chicanos Studies: Selected papers 1979, (pp. 73-87). Berkeley, CA: Tonatiuh-Quinto Sol.
192? Jose de San Martin, apostle of the Argentine independence. Washington, DC: Pan American Union. 1928 1929 Life in the United States for Mexican people: Out of the experience of a Mexican. National Conference of Social Work Proceedings 56, (pp. 399-404). Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 1931 Debts, dictatorship, and revolution in Bolivia and Peru. Foreign Policy Reports, 7(5), (May 13), 101-108. 1931 Argentina's revolution and its aftermath. Foreign Policy Reports, 7(17), (Oct. 28), 309-322. 1931 Without benefit of lobby. Survey, 66(3), (May), p.18-1. 1934 What is progressive education: An outline for parents. Jamaica Estates, Long Island, NY: The Year-long School. 1935 Thirty poems Jamaica Estates, Long Island, NY: The Yearlong School. Electric public utilities in Mexico. Modern Mexico (September), 8-12. 1936 1936? Stegomia, jr. A play project for junior high school students dramatizing the contribution of the Cuban scientist, Dr. Carlos Finley, to the building of the Panama Canal and the progress of medicine through the discovery of the yellow fever germ carrier. Washington, DC: Pan American Union. 1936-1938 Educational trends in Latin America. No. 1 (Summer) & No. 2 (Spring). Washington, DC: Division of Intellectual Cooperation, Pan American Union.
1939 Problems of education in the Western Hemisphere. Washington, DC: Pan American Union. 1939 The Latin American Universities in step with history. Pan American Union Bulletin, 73, 677-687. Reprinted Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1940. 1939-42 Labor trends and social welfare in Latin America. Washington, DC: Pan American Union, Division of Labor and Social Information. 1940 Study in Latin America. Congressional Record, 86, (November 25), 6703-6705. 1940 With Herbert Eugene Bolton & Delia Goetz. American Neighbors. Washington, DC: The American National Red Cross. (Contains "Living art of Latin America" pp. 657-1; "Latin American letter" pp. 72-77; and "Latin American music pp. 78-84). 1940-41 U.S. Congress. Select Committee to Investigate' interstate migration of destitute citizens. Hearings. Interstate Migration. 76th Congress, 3rd. Session, part -10, p. 3882-3887. 1941 La industria electrica en Mexico. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Economica. 1941 Some truth about hemisphere unity. Mexican Life Mexico, (December), -17-20, 44. 1942 Labor in Latin America. Washington, DC: American Council on Public Affairs. 1942 Introduction in R. C. Jones, Mexicans in the United States: A bibliography. Washington, DC: Division of Labor and Social Information, Pan American Union. (Galarza was division chief at the time of publication). 1942 U.S. Congress. House Select Committee Investigating National Defense Migration. Hearings. National Defense Migration, 77th Congress, 2nd. Session, part 33, p. 12432-12436. 1942-49? (Ed.) Young Reader Series. Washington, DC: American Union. 1943 "A letter to Mr. Welles" The Nation, (January 9), 42-11, 59. 1943 En el mundo del estano. Tiempo (February 5), 22-21. (Galarza's statement about Bolivian tin workers and summary of action in U.S. Department of State). 1943 Tin strike in Bolivia brings accusations against envoy. Inter-American Monthly, (February), 56. 1943 With Carlos A. Videla. Bolivia ponders a labor problem. The story in back of the tin miners' demands for a 100 per cent increase in wages. The Pan American, (March), 7-9. 1944 Rimas tontas para ninos listos segun Ernesto Galarza, con ilustraciones de Arthur Schneider. New York: Committee on Art in American Education and Society. 1944 U.S. Congress. House Committee on Labor. Hearings. To prohibit discrimination in employment, 78th. Congress, 2nd. Session. Vol. -1, 34-15. 1946 Report on labor and social welfare in Latin America, 1945-1946. Washington, DC: Pan American Union. 1946 Bolivia, la nacion compania, cartas sobre Bolivia y la revolucion de 1946. (Dirigida a Spruille Braden y Devere Allen). Accion Social, (October-December), 7-1-1. 1946 Comunicado a la prensa de Washington, D.C. en relacion con los acontecimientos en Bolivia. Accion Social, (August 15), 3-6. 1946 Report of a trip through Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and Peru from December -15, 1915 to March 21, 1946. 1947 La industria electrica en Mexico. Doctoral dissertation, Columbia University. 1947 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Inter-American military cooperation. 80th. Congress, 1st Session, 105-117. 1947 La reforma administrativa de la Union Panamericana y la defensa de los intereses de los trabajadores americanos. Accion Social, (September 15), 11-12. 1947 El gobierno de Bolivia suprime a mano armada las libertades democraticas y sindicales de los trabajadores. Accion Social, (October 15), 6-7, 24. 1947 The standardization of armaments in the Western Hemisphere. Inter-American Reports, No. -1, (October), 3-16. 1948 Argentine labor under Peron. Inter-American Reports, No. 2. 1948 Big farm strike. Commonwealth, 48(8), 178-182. 1948 With William Neumann. Economic Conflict in Inter-American relations. Inter-American Reports, No. 3. 1948 The cost of living in Latin America. Inter-American Reports, No. 4. 1948 New molds for Latin American youth. Some educational and anthropological aspects of Latin America (pp. 27-37). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press. 1949 Program for action. Common Ground, 9(4), (Summer), 27-38. 1949 Crisis of the Pan American Union. Inter-American Reports, No. 5. 1959 The case of Bolivia. Inter-American Reports, No. 6. 1950 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Special Investigating Subcommittee. Hearings. Investigation of Labor-Management Relations. 81st. Congress, 2nd. Session, 601-616. 1950 U.S. President's Commission on Migratory Labor Hearings. Unpublished hearings in National Archives. (Also available from Chicano Studies Library, University of California, Berkeley.) 1951 Labor-leaven of democracy. Survey Graphic, (March), pp. 169-171, 210. 1952 They work for pennies. American Federationist, 59(4), (April), 10-13, 29. Reprinted in Meier, M. & Rivera, F. (eds.), (1974) Readings on La Raza: The Twentieth Century, (pp. 182-187). New York: Hill and Wang. 1952 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Subcommittee on Labor and Management Relations. Hearings. Migratory Labor. 82nd. Congress, 2nd. Session. Part 1. Pp. 244-295. 1954 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture Hearings. Mexican Farm Labor. 83rd. Congress, 2nd. Session, 156-185. 1954 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on judiciary. Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization. Hearings. To Control Illegal Migration. 83rd. Congress, 2nd. Session, 63-75. 1955 Plantation workers in Louisiana. Washington, DC: Inter-American Education Association. 1955 A report on trade unions in Hawaii amid recommendations. Washington, DC: National Agricultural Workers Union, (September 1). 1955 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Hearings. Amendments to Sugar Act of 1918. 84th. Congress, 1st. Session, 315-341. 1955 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies, and Manpower. Hearings. Mexican Farm Labor Program. 84th. Congress, 1st. Session, 17-1-198. 1956 Strangers in our fields. Washington, DC: Joint United States-Mexico Trade Union Committee. 1957 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Subcommittee on Labor Standards. Hearings. Fair Labor Standards Act, 85th. Congress, 1st. Session, part 1, 1254-1266. 1957 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. Subcommittee on Safety and Compensation. Hearings. Fair Labor Standards Act. 85th. Congress, 1st. Session, part 2, 2686-2700. 1958 Trabajadores mexicanos en tierra extrana. Problemas Agricolas e Industriales de Mexico, 10(1-2), 3-10. 1960 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Agriculture. Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies, and Manpower. Hearings. Extension of Mexican Farm Labor Program. 86th. Congress, 2nd. Session, 237-239. 1963 U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Education and Labor. 88th. Congress, 2nd. Session. Report on the farm labor transportation accident at Chualar, California on September 17, 1963. Reprinted as (1977) Tragedy at Chualar: El crucero de las treinta y dos cruces. Santa Barbara, CA: McNally and Loftin. 1964 Translations and Excerpts of Merchants. of Labor. 1972 Los braceros. y mercaderes. del trabajo. Mexico: SEP. 1972 The bracero: A man who has lost his documents has lost his rights, he is abolished. In Li Valdez, & S. Steiner (Eds.), Aztlan: An anthology of Mexican American literature, (pp. 77-78). New York: Knopf. 1972 Roots of migration. In L. Valdez & S. Steiner (Eds.), Aztlami: An anthology of Mexican American literature, (pp. 127-132). New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 1982 California, the uncommonwealth. In R. Rosaldo, R. A. Calvert, & G. Li Seligmann Jr. (Eds.) Chicano: The evolution of a people (2nd. ed.), (pp. 164-175). Maibas, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Co. 1966 La mula no nacio arisca. Center Diary, (September/ October), pp. 2632. Reprinted in J. H. Burma (Ed.), (1970), Mexican-American in the United States.: A reader (pp. 199-206). Cambridge, MA: Schenkman. 1968 U.S. Cabinet Committee on Mexican American Affairs. The Mexican American: A New Focus. on Opportunity. Rural Community Development. Reprinted in El Grito, 1(2), (Winter), 22-27. 1966 Zoo-risa. Santa Barbara, CA: McNally and Loftin.
1966 Economic development by Mexican Americans., Oakland, California: An analysis. amid proposal. Berkeley, CA: Social Science Research and Development Corporation. 1969 1974 "Afterword: the future." In M. Meir & F. Rev-era (Eds.), Readings on la raza: The Twentieth Century (pp. 275-277). New York: Hill and Wang. Reprinted from Mexican-Americans. in the Southwest. 1969 U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Labor and Public Welfare. Subcommittee on Migratory Labor. Hearings.. Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker Powerlessness: Part 2, the Migrant Subculture, 91st Congress, 2nd. Session, 460-483. Reprinted in A. F. Corwin (Ed), (1978), Immigrants and Immigrants: Perspectives on Mexican labor migration to the United States, (pp. 248-256.) Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 197? The cactus curtain: The history of the Mexican American struggle (Cassette). North Hollywood, CA: Center for Cassette Studies. 197? A document on Educational Reform, prepared for the Southwest Council of La Raza, Educational Committee. 1970 Research and scholarly activity. Washington, DC: Chicano Studies Institutes. 1970 Spiders in the house and workers in the field. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. 1971 Aqui y alla en California San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden . 1971 Historia verdadera de una gota de miel. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1971 Poemas parvulos. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1971 Rimas. tontas. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1971 Zoo-fun. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1971 History of the farm laborer and migrant worker (sound recording). Los Angeles: Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research. 1971 Barrio Boy. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press. Excerpts or translations from this auto-biography are reprinted in the following works: 1972 G. McCracken & M. V. Jacobson (Eds.) Basic reading code book series. for the educationally disadvantaged. Philadelphia: Lippencotti 1973 E. J. Farrell, et. al. (Eds.), Outlooks through literature. Glenview, IL: Scott, Foresman. 1974 From Barrio Boy. In F. Pialorsi (Ed.), Teaching the bilingual: New methods and old traditions., (pp. 61-65). Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1971 Literature heritage series. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co. 1975 On the edge of the barrio. In C. Cardenas de Dwyer, Chicano Voices., (pp. 44-55). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co. 1978 Traspasando fronteras. Mexico: SEP (Translation of Barrio Boy). 1979 In R. A. Bennet, V. Evans, & E. J. Gorden (Eds.), Types of literature. Boston: Ginn and Co. 1971 Mexican Americans and the American culture. The Center Magazine, (September/October), 44-50. Reprinted in (-1972) Viewpoints.; Red and yellow, black and brown (pp. 309-313). Minneapolis: Winston Press. 1972 Spiders in the house. Chicano: The Mexican American Heritage Series (Vol. 1). Hollywood: KNBC. Also available on cassette from the Center for Cassette Studies, North Hollywood, CA. 1972 Mexicans in the Southwest: A culture in process. In E. H. Spicer & R. H. Thompson (Eds.), Plural society in the southwest, (pp. 261-297). Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Reprinted in (198-1) Campo Libre, 1, 87-118. 1972 La historia verdadera de una botella de leche. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1972 Mas poemas parvulos. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1972 Poemas. Pe-que Pe-que-nitos.. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1972 Un poco de Mexico. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1973 Chogorrom. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1973 Todo mundo lee. San Jose, CA: Editorial Almaden. 1973 Alviso: The crisis of a barrio. San Jose, CA: Mexican American Community Service Organization. 1973 Bilingual-bicultural education in the San Jose Unified School District. San Jose: San Jose Department of Urban Education. 1973 Minorities: The mirror of society. In R. Poblano (Ed.), Ghosts in the barrio: Issues in bilingual-bicultural education (pp. 35-44). San Rafael, CA: Leswing Press. 1974 1974 Proceedings of the National Exploratory Conference on Chicano Sociolinguistics (pp. 25-34). Las Cruces, NM: ERIC/CRESS (1976). Comments on bilingual education. 1975 Social work education and the Chicano experience. In M. Sotomayor & P. D. Ortega y Gasca (Eds.), Chicano content and social work education, (pp. 9-20). New York: Council on Social Work Education. 1976 Temas escolares. San Jo
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