Mid-term Exams (10% each)
There will be three 1-hour evening exams. Exams will be given on the last
Thursday of each month: Thursday September 27, Thursday
October 25,Thursday November 1,and Thursday November 29. All exams are currently
scheduled from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. It is likely class will be cancelled the
following day. The reason exams are being offered in the evening is to
provide you with as much time as possible to take the exam instead of
being limited to a 55-minute time slot. (The exam itself is written to
be completed in 55-minutes.) If you have a conflict with the announced
exam times please contact me as soon as possible and alternate
arrangements can be made. Students participating in athletics and
co-curricular events should pay careful attention to this exam schedule
and inform me in advance of any conflicts.