Cognitive Science 301

Applied Cognitive Science and Education
Fall 2006


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Writing and Spelling (continued)

Writing (continued)


Management of Writing Weaknesses (pp 375-385)

Main Ideas

  1. Assessment of writing demands analysis of graphomotor skills: speed of writing, letter formation, appropriate tripod pencil grip
  2. Affective behavior (or how an individual approaches the task) during writing can give important information to a careful observer about the demands of writing that s/he is experiencing.
  3. If writing is a problem, determine whether remediation is appropriate based on the age of the individual.
  4. Other strategies of managing writing weaknesses involve bypass strategies using technology and computers.
  5. Organization can help fluency by creating concept maps and outlines (depending on the strengths and weaknesses of the individual)
  6. Spelling depends on many different linguistic skills (phonology, morphology, semantics and orthographic knowledge of words)


  1. Assess the examples of handwriting and language in Figures 10-4 to 10-10.  Be prepared to analyze deficiencies in these examples on the next Quiz.
  2. Develop a technique/assessment for measuring a middle school student's weakness with spelling.
  3. Explain why bypass strategies may be the only helpful management for some students.  Describe how different bypass strategies might help and why.
  4. What types of remediation might assist a college student who is having trouble producing organized essays and turning them in on time?
  5. Explain how enhanced visualization assists in spelling.