Cognitive Science 301

Applied Cognitive Science and Education
Fall 2006


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Writing and Spelling (Chapter 10)

Developmental Stages of Writing


Main Ideas

  1. The stages of writing build upon each other developmentally and each needs to be mastered to progress effectively.
  2. One of most important skills to master to increase fluency and release the individual from taxing motor demands is an effective tripod grip.
  3. The progression of stages is from mastering production of letters, words, and lines of text on a page to expression of the individual's ideas in a great variety of different written forms.
  4. Writing is the most difficult task that an individual needs to master, because of the need for synchronization of most of the neurodevelopmental constructs working effectively (alone and together).
  5. Individuals can get stuck in one of the stages or regress to a previous stage based on weaknesses, teaching, and experiences in writing (good and bad).


  1. An accurate assessment of writing would involve which specific tasks?  Explain what each of those tasks would measure.
  2. What skills are necessary to enter the automatization stage of writing?
  3. Describe the most salient features of each developmental stage of writing.
  4. Explain how each of Levine's neurodevelopmental constructs impacts writing.
  5. Comment on why writing is the most demanding of all academic areas.