Cognitive Science 301

Applied Cognitive Science and Education
Fall 2006


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Approaches to Assessment, Chapter 14

"The most effective assessment . . . describes . . . without reducing" the individual to labels. (p522)

Objectives of an assessment (Table 14-1)

  1. "Accurately formulate the possible reasons for the learning problems.
  2. Compile a description of an individual that can form the basis for optimal management.
  3. Enhance the insight of parents, teachers, and the child.
  4. Answer the specific questions or concerns of parents, teachers, and the child.
  5. Provide a baseline for monitoring progress and for judging the effectiveness of services.
  6. Alleviate anxiety, pessimism, and guilt.
  7. Determine specific service needs
  8. Identify strengths that can be utilized to enhance performance and self-esteem.
  9. Determine eligibility for school-based and other services.
  10. Detect and describe complicating factors that require management." (p 523, Table 14-1)

How would you go about achieving all of the objectives listed above?

What are the problems with labels?

Testing/assessment bias

What are the components of a good assessment?

Feedback and recommendations