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Miniature Books Through the Years

Miniature Books by the Numbers

Miniature Books at Oxy

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Miniature Books: Then and Now

An online exhibition of miniature books and how they have evolved throughout the years.

Miniature Books by the Numbers

1814 – The date that Bible History, Occidental’s first miniature book, was published.

211 – The number of miniature books in the stacks of Special Collections, excluding double and triple copies.

0.9 mm² – The size of the smallest miniature book ever printed, Anton Chekhov’s “A Chameleon,” printed in Siberia.  Miniature books measuring 2mm x 2mm (pictured, right,) are displayed at the Miniature Book Museum in the Azerbaijan Republic.

3700 – The approximate number of items collected by Msgr. Francis J. Weber and donated to the Huntington Library in 1991.  Msgr. Weber retains “visiting rights” and must transfer all new acquisitions to the Library every December.

1498 – The date that the first miniature book, “Diurnale Moguntinum,” was printed by Peter Schoffer, Johann Gutenberg’s assistant.

3 in. – A book cannot exceed this size in the United State to be officially called a miniature.  (The limit is 4 inches in other countries, and at the Huntington Library.)

20 years The number of times the Miniature Book Society has met for their annual “Grand Conclave.”


Website designed by
Jessica Low '07
2007-2008 Library Fellow
Mellon Librarian Recruitment Program


" All the way home I kept remembering

The small book in my pocket.  It was there. "

-Robert Frost, "A Fountain, a Bottle, A Donkey’s Ears, and Some Books.”

Page last edited by on 03/06/2013.
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