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Prof. Maryanne Horowitz
(Eligible for credit in CORE Group 3 Europe, in Classical Studies, as
well as in History. Meets pre-1800 requirements.)
Prof. Maryanne Horowitz
Class Meets: 8:30-9:55 a.m. Tues and Thurs.
Location: Johnson 205
Office: Swan 316 Hours: Tues 11:55-1:25
p.m. , Th. 1:30-2:55 and by appointment 259-2583
Horowitz Homepage
Campus mail to Horowitz mailbox,
Hist. Dept., S. Swan |
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e-mail horowitz@oxy.edu![]() |
Books in Bookstore:
Sarah Pomeroy, et. al., Ancient Greece: A Political, Social and Cultural History
Sian Lewis, The Athenian Woman: An Iconographic Handbook
Donald Gochberg, ed., Classics of Western World: The Ancient World
Brian Inwood, Lloyd Gerson, Hellenistic Philosophy: Introductory Readings
Nigel Spivey, The Ancient Olympics
Roland and Etienne Francoise, The Search for Ancient Greece
Note: Ch. 3 of Sian Lewis is not assigned. Any student may choose to avoid any other images or text wherein violence or sexuality is vividly depicted.
10% Class Participation.
30% each: Exam 1
2 copies 8-page Paper plus Endnotes & Bibliography U. Chicago style
Exam 2
Paper: 8 typed pages plus University of Chicago Style Endnotes and Bibliography (Primary and Secondary). Pass in 2 copies. In your writing, include primary sources, secondary sources, footnoted articles in journals or in on-line journals as in ProQuest or Wilson Select under First Search at the Occidental College Library Homepage. I strongly recommend that you prepare a bibliography early and submit requests for the interlibrary loan of some books and document delivery of some articles.
Choice among 3 types of papers: 1) Pick one ancient Greek author or a cluster of related authors for examining ancient thought on an aspect of philosophy, literature, history, science, art, or religion etc. Use green volumes in Loeb Classical Library or Internet Classics Library http://classics.mit.edu/
OR 2) Make a critical assessment of aspects of ancient Athenian democracy (start with Kagan on electronic reserve OR 3) Use evidence on an aspect of women's history or on ancient views on gender. (See authors such as Waithe, Pomeroy, or Saxonhouse or http://www.arthistory.sbc.edu/imageswomen/bibliogreece.html)
1) INTRODUCTION: Focus of course is culture of Athens of 5th-4th c.
B.C.E. with some attention to origins and later cultural impact..
Th. Sept. 1 Topic:
Origins of 5th c. B.C.E. Athenian Political and Social Structure
Ancient Greece, Preface and read selections in ch 1, pp. 1-5, 11-12, 16-17, 18-24, 26-27, 32-34, summary at bottom p. 39-40 Ch. 2: p. 41-42, 50-54, 60-81. Look up Maps, look at Time Line.
See maps on-line
The Greek Polis The New Politics of Ancient Greece 1000-300 B.C.E.
2) Tues Sept. 6 Go to Electronic Reserves under Reserves for Hist. 320. There are links there to the specific articles in the NDHI. There is also a scanned textbook chapter to give you general background. Read in Greer, Brief History of the Western World, chapter 2. (Part I this week, Part II next week. This is especially important for those who have not had a basic Western Civilization course.) Be prepared to discuss reading. Bring Gochberg and Athenian Woman.
Bring The Search for Ancient Greece; be prepared to discuss documents pp. 130-131, 132-33, 136-139, and ch. 1, pp. 1-19.
Bring Gochberg to discuss Homer, Iliad and Herodotus, History.
Fleming, Arts and Ideas (Reserve), ch. 2 on Hellenic Style, Athens, 5th century BCE.
Athenian Woman, ch. 1
Topic: Greek Historians
Thurs. Sept. 8 Bring Ancient Greece, to discuss ch. III on Archaic Greece, as well as earlier readings.
Bring The Search for Ancient Greece to discuss ch. 7 and documents pp. 144-147 on Schliemann's excavations
Gochberg, Thucydides
NDHI: "Greek Science" and "Images, Idols, and Icons" (read to try to figure out how Greeks viewed and interpreted statues of Athena or Zeus)
3) Tues. Sept.. 13, Thurs. Sept. 15 NDHI: "Democracy"
Tuesday. Bring Gochberg to discuss Thucydides .
Ancient Greece, ch. IV on Sparta.
Short writing comparing Herodotus and Thucydides (pass in if you missed class)
Topic Greek Scientific Inquiry: "Origins and Causation among Ancient Greek Natural Philosophers to Aristotle" --Thales (ca 625-546 BCE) Axaximander, Anaximenes, Pythagoras, Parmenides, Empodocles Hippocrates (ca. 460-377 BCE), Aristotle (384-322 BCE)
Th. Thurs. Sept. 15
Athenian Woman, ch. 2; NDHI: in "Sacred Places," section on Delphi.
Bring Athenian Woman to class. Be prepared to discuss Athenian Woman, chs. 1 and 2.
The Ancient Olympics, chs. 1 and 2.
Topic: Rivalries of the Greek City-States
4) Tues. Sept 20, Thurs. Sept. 22 Consider coming to office hours to discuss possible research paper topics.
Ancient Greece, ch. V on growth of Athens and Persian Wars
Topic: Women in Athens and Women in Sparta
Aristophanes, Lysistrata in Gochberg, ch. 7
Th. Bring Gochberg for discussion of Lysistrata.
Th. Topic: Ancient Greek Religion; Worship at Delphi
5)Tues Sept. 27, Thurs Sept. 29
Ancient Greece, VI on Rivalries of Greek City-States
Athenian Woman, ch. 4
Xenophon, Laws and Customs of the Spartans, in Gochberg, ch. 5
Bring Gochberg to discuss Lysistrata and Xenophon
Tues. Student Group Presentation on
"Periclean Athens - Was It Democratic? "/ Kagan, ed. (electronic reserves)
Thurs: Student Group Presentation: Kagan (electronic res), Section XI "The Unpopularity of the Athenian Empire"
Guidance for in-class Exam on Tues. Oct. 11. Topics include Athenian democracy, Greek city-state rivalries, re-evaluating gender roles in Athens and Sparta, development of historical writing and of scientific writing, Greek religion, aspects Athens shared with other Greek city-states and aspects that were particularly Athenian.
6) T. Oct 4, Th. Oct 6
Oct. 4: Film Troy (on reserve as well)
Athenian Woman, ch. 5 and conclusion
Ancient Greece, ch. VII on Greece on Eve of the Peloponnesian War
Thurs: Group Presentation: Kagan, sect. X "Causes of the Peloponnesian War" (electronic reserve)Thurs.
Thurs. Bring Athenian Woman to discuss methodology of the book and author's questioning of commonly held generalizations about women in Athens. (Intro., chs. 1, 2, 4, 5, conclusion assigned)
7) Tues. Oct 11, Th. Oct 13
Tues Oct. 11 Exam In-class Exam (Main 2 topics for essays are Gender Distinctions in Athens and Sparta; Development of Athens to 431 BCE. Review Athenian Woman intro, chs. 1,2,4, 5; Ancient Greece assignments in chs. 1-7, esp. 3-7; specific topics covered in class (lectures, presentations); assignments in Gochberg: Homer and film Troy, Herodotus, Thucydides, Aristophanes
Thurs. Oct. 13 Film Troy continues (on reserve as well).
Ancient Greece, ch VIII Peloponnesian War
Plato Apology, Phaedo, Republic in Gochberg ch. 8-10.
8) Tues. Oct. 18, Th. Oct. 20
Fleming, Arts and Ideas (Reserve) ch. 3 on Hellenistic Style, Pergamon, 2nd c. BCE
Ancient Greece, ch. IX Crisis of the Polis
Aristotle, Ethics, Politics, Poetics, in Gochberg, chs. 11, 12, 13. Bring Gochberg to class to discuss r
Aristophanes, The Clouds with Socrates as key character: .http://classics.mit.edu/Aristophanes/clouds.htm
Tues: Topics: Background to the Trial of Socrates.
Plato on Women vs. Aristotle on Women.
Bring Gochberg to discuss Plato and Aristotle.
Assignments on Stoicism given out for Nov. 3 workshop. Prepare outline or summary of your reading assignment; use in presentation and then pass in.
Thurs. Oct. 20 Fall Break. Email paper topic with a bibliography of at least 1 primary source and 4 secondary sources.
Discuss differences of Hellenistic and Hellenic Styles and relationship of styles to the changing Greek culture.
9) Tues. Oct. 25, Thurs. Oct. 27
Ancient Greece, Philip II and Rise of Macedon, in Ch. X only pp. 371-372, 382-389, 393 In Search of Ancient Greece, documents pp. 148-149.
Hellenistic Philosophy: See glossary starting on p. 241 and Preface and Introduction. Epicureanism, pp. 4-77.
Tues. Topic: Debate of Hellenistic Philosophers
Thurs. Film "The Role of Theatre in Ancient Greece" and "The Classical Ideal"
10) Tues. Nov. 1, Thurs. Nov. 3
Ancient Greece, Alexander the Great, in ch. XI.
The Search for Ancient Greece, chs. 2-3, pp. 21-42.
*Tues. Nov. 1. Pass in Bibliography divided into Primary Sources and Secondary Sources and 1 paragraph Abstract of Paper.
Tues: Workshop on Stoics. Within Hellenistic Philosophy, pp. 103-260, individual presentations (fine to use Plutarch, Cicero, Marcus Aurelius in Gochberg)
Thurs.: Sophocles, Oedipus the King in Gochberg, ch. 3.See Film Oedipus Rex.
Tues. Nov. 8, Thurs. Nov. 10
The Ancient Olympics,
chs. 3-4, pp. 70-168. The Search for Ancient
Greece, ch. 4, pp. 43-62.
Tues. Bring Hellenistic Philosophy and continue Stoic workshop. Bring in and discuss Sophocles, Oedipus the King in Gochberg, ch. 3.
Thurs. Workshop on Epicureanism. Within Hellenistic Philosophy, pp. 3-102, individual presentations. (fine to use Lucretius in Gochberg)
12) Tues. Nov. 15, Thurs. Nov. 17
Ancient Greece, on Alexander's Successors, within ch. 12, only pp.427-430, 444-450, 453-463
The Ancient Olympics, chs. 5-6, pp. 69-237
Tues. Nov. 15 Each student to make a 5-minute oral presentations on main point or interpretation of paper.
Th. Nov. 17: 2 copies of papers due at class.
Bring book to discuss entire The Ancient Olympics, having completed pp 238-251.
13) Tues. Nov. 22
In Ancient Greece, complete pp. 463-470 and Epilogue, pp. 471-475.
The Search for Ancient Greece, chs. 5 and 6, pp. 63-100.
Tues. Topic: Workshop on Scepticism. Hellenistic Philosophy: Academic and Pyrrhonian Scepticism, within pp. 261-398, individual presentations.
14) Tues. Nov. 29, Thurs. Dec. 1.
Tues. Nov. 29 Bring The Search for Ancient Greece, ch. 8 pp. 117-128, and Discuss documents pp. 134-135, 154-163 and entire book.
Review for Exam.
Thurs Dec. 1. In-Class Exam: Plato, Aristotle, Stoics, Epicureans, Academic Sceptics, Pyrrhonian Sceptics; The Ancient Olympics; Ancient Theatre: examples of Oedipus the King, The Clouds, Lysistrata; changing methodologies for discovering aspects of ancient Greece; earlier class readings as announced including Hellenic vs. Hellenistic Art (elect. reserve)
Tues. Dec. 6(Last Class) Student discussion of papers and of implications for classical studies. Graded papers returned.