Jim Whitney Economics 102
 Limits, slopes and derivatives
 The "delta" (D) method
General procedure Example: Y = X2
Step1: Start with an initial value of X and Y: 
  Y = (f(X))
Step2: Choose a nearby value for X: 
  X' = X+DX
Step3: Compute the nearby value for Y: 
  Y' = f(X+DX)
Step4: Compute the slope formula: 
  DY    f(X+DX) - f(X)    f(X+DX)-f(X) 
  --- = --------------- = -------------
  DX     (X+DX) - X           DX
Step5: Compute the derivative: 
  dY          DY          f(X+DX)-f(X) 
  -- =  LIM  ---- =  LIM  ------------ 
  dX   DX->0 DX    DX->0     DX
In the diagram, ch = "delta", and X^2 = X squared.