Jim Whitney | Economics 102 |
There are 2 fundamental equations to the model:
(1) Spending: AE = C + I + G + (X-M)
(2) Equil.: AE = Y
To solve:
Step 1: Substitute for each term in equation (1)
until AE=f(A,Y), where A = autonomous spending.
Step 2: Use equation (2) to substitute Y for AE
in equation (1)
Step 3: Rearrange terms to solve for Y.
Example 1: Equations (1) and (2) above plus:
(3) C = 100 + .75Y
(4) I = 90
(5) G = 100
(6) X - M = 10
After step 1, the expression for: AE=____________
At the equilibrium Y: Y=_____
C=_____ S=_____
Add the AE line and label the equilibrium in the diagram to the
Exmple 2: Equations (1) and (2) above plus:
(3) T = 50 + .25Y
(4) DY = Y - T
(5) C = 140 + .8DY
(6) I = 100
(7) G = 240
(8) X - M = 40
Note now that consumption is a function of disposable
income (DY) which in turn as function of Y. So first express C as a function
of Y:
Substitute (3) into (4) to express DY as a function
of Y: DY=____________
Now substitute for DY in (5) to express C as a function
of Y: C=____________
That's it. Now you're ready to solve for Y as before.
After step 1, the expression for: AE=____________
At the equilibrium Y:
Y=_____ T=_____
DY=_____ C=_____ S=_____
Add the AE line and label the equilibrium in the diagram to the