
 Let's look at our last example and the sequence of inferences we made:

1. P (Q & R) premise
2. P premise
3. (Q & R) mp 1, 2
4. Q simp, 3

We have a numbered sequence of wffs. Every wff is either a premise or is inferred from an earlier line by a rule of inference. We call such a sequence of wffs a derivation.   Every line of a derivation has a line number, a wff, and a  justification.  We construct derivations by applying rules of inference to given wffs, or premises.  A derivation can be as short as one line, in which case it would simply be a premise, or any finite length.

Here's another derivation:


1. (A  (~B v E)) & (~C ~D) premise
2. (A & ~C) premise
3. (A  (~B v E)) simp, 1
4. A simp 2
5. (~B v E) mp 3, 4
6. (~C ~D) simp 1
7. ~C simp 2
8. ~D mp 6, 7

In this derivation, we begin with two premises. They are both conjunctions. Simplification is the rule of inference we have for conjunctions, so we apply it. Notice that at line 3 we've applied it by inferring the left conjunct, which is itself a complex wff.  To apply the rules of inference correctly, we must play attention to the main operator.


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