The Undecidibility of Polyadic QL
Let's attempt a truth-tree for the following argument:
which is the translation of:
Everyone loves someone. |
loves everyone. |
We set the truth tree up with the premise and the negation
of the conclusion:
and apply rules for moving negations inside:
Lxy |
Lxy |
checked |
Lxy |
checked |
(x)(∃y)~Lxy |
Now we instantiate our two universally
quantified wffs. Since there are no constants on the tree, we have to begin with
a new constant, and so we'll use "a".
Lxy |
Lxy |
checked |
Lxy |
checked |
(x)(∃y)~Lxy |
Lay |
(∃y)~Lay |
We have instantiated our two universally
quantified wffs with "a". Now we have to instantiate the two existentially
quantified wffs, our last two on the current version of the tree. But for
existential wffs, we must pick constants not already on the path. So we'll need
new constants for each:
Lxy |
Lxy |
checked |
Lxy |
checked |
(x)(∃y)~Lxy |
Lay |
checked |
(∃y)~Lay |
checked |
Lab |
~Lac |
Are we done? NO! We have to instantiate our
universally quantified wffs with every constant on the path, and now we have two
new constants on the path, "b" and "c". So we have to go bak to the two
universally quantified wffs and reinstantiate them each with "b" and "c".
Lxy |
Lxy |
checked |
Lxy |
checked |
(x)(∃y)~Lxy |
Lay |
checked |
(∃y)~Lay |
checked |
Lab |
~Lac |
Lby |
Lcy |
(∃y)~Lby |
(∃y)~Lcy |
And now we have four new existentially
quantified wff, and so we need to instantiate them with new constants not
already on the tree:
Lxy |
Lxy |
checked |
Lxy |
checked |
(x)(∃y)~Lxy |
Lay |
checked |
(∃y)~Lay |
checked |
Lab |
~Lac |
Lby |
checked |
Lcy |
checked |
(∃y)~Lby |
checked |
(∃y)~Lcy |
checked |
Lbd |
Lce |
~Lbf |
~Lbg |
But now we have new constants on the tree,
and so we have to instantiate our two universally quantified wffs with them. But
last time we did that, it led to our writing down new existentially quantified
wffs, which require us to introduce new constants, which then have to be
instantiated universally, which leads to new existentials, and so on. So what we
clearly have here is a never-ending tree.
What we have just demonstrated is the
undecidability of Polyadic QL. There is an argument (indeed there are many) for
which there is not a step-by-step procedure for determining whether an argument
is valid in a finite number of steps. (Actually, we've only demonstrated that
the truth-tree method is undecidable. It takes a little more work to generalize
from the truth-tree method to any method.)
The undecidability of Polyadic QL is an
important metatheoretical result. When you take your next logic course, you will
study undecidability and other metalogical properties in more detail. Until
then, you'll have to settle for this