Translation, Validity and Proof in PL
Solution, Question 7


I will find a job when I graduate only if I am well prepared, and I will be well prepared only if I can read and write extremely well and have a good technical education. I will read and write extremely well if and  only if I take  a lot of Humanities courses, but if I take a lot of Humanities courses, I will not take many technical courses, and if I don't take many technical courses, then I won't have a good technical education. Therefore, I won't find a job when I graduate.

A:  I will find a job when I graduate.

B: I am well prepared

C: I can read extremely well.

D: I can write extremely well.

E: I have a good technical education.

F: I take  a lot of Humanities courses.

G: I will take many technical courses.



B ((C & D) & E)

(C & D) F

F ~G

~G ~E


The argument is invalid, so there is no proof.

Thanks to Serena Francisco for discovering an error in an earlier posting of this translation!