Translating Truth-functional Propositions in QL

  1. If Tyler is friendly, then no one is unhappy.

    Fx: x is friendly.
    Hx: x is happy
    a: Tyler

    Fa  ~ (x)~Hx

  2. Someone is studying or someone is partying.

    Sx: x is studying
    Px: x is partying

    (x)Sx v (x)Px

  3. If Bush is re-elected, then there are no Democrats.

    Rx: x is reelected
    Dx: x is a Democrat
    a: Bush

    Ra ~(x)Dx
  4. Something is fishy, but Freda is cool.

    Fx: x is fishy
    Cx: x is cool
    a: Freda

    (x)Fx & Ca
  5. Everyone runs, just in case something matters.

    Rx: x runs
    Mx: x matters

    (x)Rx  (x)Mx
  6. Not everyone is here, but Harry doesn't care.

    Hx: x is here
    Cx: x cares
    a: Harry

    ~(x)Hx & ~Ca

  7. If something is hot, and Marty is tired, then something isn't right.

    Hx: x is hot
    Tx: x is tired
    Rx: x is right
    a: Marty

    ((x)Hx & Ta)  (x)~Rx
  8. All is well, if Fred is happy.

    Wx: x is well
    Hx: x is happy
    a: Fred

    Ha (x)Wx
  9. It's not the case that if Tyler isn't bored, then someone is bored.

    Bx: x is bored
    a: Tyler

    ~(~Ba (x)Bx)

  10. Neither everyone is not Icelandic nor is everyone Icelandic.

    Ix: x is Icelandic
    ~(x)~Ix & ~(x)Ix