Deductive or Inductive? 


No triangle is a square because all triangles have three sides and squares have four sides. 



Since more than half of all automobile accidents involve drivers under twenty-five, it follows that drivers under twenty-five are probably a greater driving risk than those older than twenty-five. 



Smith missed work today. He must be ill because in the past he's only missed work when he's been ill. 



The chances of rolling a five with a die are one in six. So it is more likely than not that your next roll of the die will not be a six. 



The presidential candidate that Maine selects usually indicates the one who will be elected. So it is safe to say, "As Maine goes, so goes the nation." 



Every class I've taken so far has had an even male-female distribution in it. It is obvious then that the student population of this college is evenly divided between males and females. 



If the president stands for re-election, he'll surely be elected. Anyone who thinks that the president won't run again just doesn't understand politics or political ambition. So it is clear who the next president will be: the incumbent. 



Sandy was either present or know someone who was present. If she was present, then she knows more than she is admitting. If she knew someone who was present, then she knows more than she is admitting. Either way, she knows more than she is admitting. 



The chances that there are atmospheric conditions similar to earth's elsewhere in the universe are very high. so extraterrestrial life probably exists. 



This argument is valid because its premises logically entail its conclusion, and any argument whose premises logically entail its conclusion is valid.