Recognizing and rewriting Categorical Propositions


Identify and rewrite the following sentences as categorical propositions, where possible.  Then translate them into QL. If they are not categorical propositions, translate them into QL as appropriate.

Selected solutions - check after you've attempted these.


1. All nudists wear clothing at meal time.

2. Some schools are hell-holes.

3. Each apartment has a view of the ocean.

4. Every person is entitled to her own opinion.

5. Some human acts are not determined.

6. There are some who dispute about Allah and serve rebellious devils.

7. None of the store employees was shot.

8. Rugby players eat their dead.

9. Vulcans never bluff.

10. Many plants with milky sap are poisonous.

11. He who hesitates is lost.

12. Plenty of people see the truth but cannot attain it.

13. The Scots are all musicians.

14. There is an even prime.

15. Alcoholics are not all liquor drinkers.

16. None but a virtuous person is happy.

17. The only good logician is a dead logician.

18. Not every Frigidaire is a refrigerator.

19. No boy scout ever cheats.

20. Only licensed physicians can overcharge for medical treatment.

21. Snake bites are sometimes fatal.

22. All that glisters is not gold.

23. None but the brave deserve the fair.

24. No members except the executive committee left the room.

25. The only survivors are small children.

26. Apples are either red, yellow, or green.

27. It's not the case that some whales are not endangered.

28. Only red tomatoes are inedible.

29. Some Halloween parties are fun but some are dull.

30. All philosophers who are neither bald nor over seven feet tall are intelligent and good looking.

31. Some politicians with spiked green hair are either Democrats or Republicans.

32. Phil was not born in Graz, but Arnold was.

33. Not all candidates for governor are Austrian by birth, but Arnold is.