Polyadic Translation Exercise I - Selected Answers

  1. Everybody loves somebody (or other).

    Lxy: x loves y


  2. Someone loves someone.

    Lxy: x loves y


  3. Someone loves everyone.

    Lxy: x loves y


  4. There's someone who everybody loves.

    Lxy: x loves y


  5. Everyone loves Ignat.

    Lxy: x loves y

    a: Ignat

  6. If someone loves Ignat, then everyone loves someone.

    Lxy: x loves y

    (x)Lxa    (x)(y)Lxy

  7. If someone loves Ignat, then everyone does.

  8. There is someone who is smarter than everyone.

    Sxy: x is smarter than y

  9. Someone doesn't love Ignat.

  10. Someone doesn't love someone.

    Lxy: x loves y

  11. Someone doesn't love everyone.

  12. Someone loves everyone who loves themself.

    Lxy: x loves y
    (y)(Lyy (∃x)Lxy)

  13. There is someone whom everyone doesn't love.

  14. There is someone whom everyone doesn't love.

    Lxy: x loves y

  15. Fred eats fish.

  16. Simon wants a camera.

    Wxy: x wants y
    Cx: x is a camera
    a: Simon
    x)(Cx & Wsx)
    Note: This isn't a perfect translation, since it's truth depends on the existence of one or more camera, and one can want a camera even when there are no cameras! (The difficulty has to do with "wants" which makes this an intentional context.)

  17. Simon wants all cameras.
    Wxy: x wants y
    Cx: x is a camera
    a: Simon
    (x)(Cx Wsx)
    Note: This could be the translation of "Simon wants a camera" if that were understood as "Simon wants cameras."

  18. All philosophers who drive desire a green tomato.

    Px: x is a philosopher
    Dx: x drives
    Exy: x desires y
    Tx: x is a tomato
    Gx: x is green.

    (x)(y))((Px & Dx) & (Ty & Gy)) Exy)

  19. Fred eats everything that doesn't move.