Books Through the Years
Books by the Numbers
Miniature Books
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Special Collections Exhibits
Miniature Books:
Then and Now
An online exhibition of
miniature books and how they have evolved throughout the
What is a Miniature Book?
A commonly asked question is what
differentiates a miniature book from simply a small
one. According to the Miniature Book Society,
“a miniature book is usually considered to be one
which is no more than three inches in size—height,
width or thickness… Outside of the United States,
books up to four inches are collected as miniature
books.” (www.mbs.org)
The Occidental College Library's Special Collections
uses this criteria to define miniature books for our
own collection.
A Brief History of Miniature Books
Did you know that the first miniature
book as we know it today was created in 1496 by
Peter Schoffer, assistant to printer Johann
Gutenberg? Early printers often had their
apprentices make miniature books in order to test
their skill at using small typefaces. Until
the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th
and 19th centuries, miniature books were
primarily a work of convenience, designed for adults
to slip into a pocket or strap to a girdle, or as a
more accessible size for children. After the
Industrial Revolution, paper became easier to make
and books became easier to bind. As a result,
miniature books were printed increasingly for
novelty’s sake. Creating miniature books today is
also a book art form explored by artists and
artisans in fine printing and binding. This
exhibition, drawn from the Miniature Books in the
Special Collections Dept, offers a look at the
diverse types of these small books produced during
the past 200 years.
designed by
Jessica Low '07
2007-2008 Library Fellow
Mellon Librarian Recruitment Program
" All the way home I kept
The small book
in my pocket. It was there.
-Robert Frost, "A Fountain, a Bottle, A
Donkey’s Ears, and Some Books.”
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