Photo excerpt from the
brochure "From Camp to College: the story of the
Japanese American Student Relocation."
Click on the image to view record in
Japanese American Student
Relocation Council
Beginning immediately in January
1942, Bird began correspondence with
colleagues and government officials,
attempting to establish "a proper centralizing
of authority and approach" to facilitate the
relocation of students to colleges outside the
military zones on the West Coast.
Throughout spring and early summer of 1942,
letters from Bird's office reached various
individuals and organizations: To presidents
of colleges in the interior inquiring
whether they would accept Japanese American
students; to colleagues at the Western
College Association and leaders at Christian
education groups attempting to coordinate
student relocation efforts already engaged
by various organizations.
In April 1942, the State Department
held the Conference of Advisors of Foreign
Students in Cleveland, where educators
presented the relocation of students to
schools outside the restricted zones as a
possible solution to the predicament
facing displaced students. On May 5, 1942,
Assistant Secretary of War John McCloy
asked Clarence Pickett of the American
Friends Service Committee to undertake,
with other organizations, an extensive
program of student relocation.
On May 29, 1942, individuals representing
the government, institutions of higher
education, the Japanese American Citizens
League, and other organizations gathered
in Chicago to form the National Student
Relocation Council (renamed the National
Japanese American Student Relocation
Council in March, 1943).