
Math 400: Senior Colloquium







This web page is your official syllabus. A hard copy version is also available.


 At the end of the Fall 2009 semester, you will receive a grade of CIP (Course In Progress).  By April 2010, you will receive a letter grade based on the following criteria:

Comps project paper proposal     10%
Comps project paper penultimate draft     20%
Comps project paper final draft     20%
Comps project oral presentation     40%
Attendance and support of our progress together    10%

The overall evaluation standards for your Comprehensives Projects is also available..

If you have not yet passed the comprehensive exam, you must do so to receive a passing grade in Math 400 and graduate.  You will take the exam with this year’s juniors during their Math 300 course. 

Tentative Deadlines

Here are some tentative deadlines. See the Deadlines page for more details

  • Early September – picking topic, honing topic, finalizing Comps Advisor pairing
  • End of September – working bibliography
  • Friday October 16 – Comps Project proposal (with working topical outline and annotated bibliography)
  • Monday November 23 – first complete paper draft due
  • Wednesday December 9 - penultimate draft of paper submitted
  • Before end of January (feedback on penultimate draft)
  • End of February – Outlines of talks completed
  • March 5, 2010: final draft of paper submitted
  • Before Spring Break (March 8-12, 2010) – talk prepared for review
  • Late March 2010 – talks presented publicly
  • April 19, 2010 – Math 400 Grades and Comps Results due to Registrar




Faculty Professor Ron Buckmire

Fowler 113


MadProfessah or ProfBuckmire

Phone ron "at" oxy.edu
Office Hours MTWRF130-230pm or T 3-4 or by appointment

The best way to make time to see me one-on-one outside of our regular class meeting times is to email or IM and arrange a time that works for both of us.

You also should see all the faculty in the mathematics department as resources to you.  You will be assigned one specific mentor from the faculty, but can talk with any of the faculty who may be knowledgeable about your project. 


We will meet regularly on Tuesdays, 1:30-2:55 p.m. throughout the fall semester in Fowler 310.  You should also feel free to contact each other for support, questions, etc. at any time.  You can reach all of you and me simultaneously by emailing math400-L@oxy.edu.

Mathematics Student Lounge

Fowler 306 is set up for students to relax, study, and work together.


Accommodations and Academic Support Services

Accommodations of disability-related needs is available after confidential discussion with me and after appropriate documentation is provided by the Center for Academic Excellence. 

The CAE is also a valuable resource to you in your writing for the comprehensives.  They can help from the beginning of process through to the final product.  Even though the writing specialists are not trained in mathematics, they have often been of great assistance in helping students hone their comprehensive papers in all disciplines, including mathematics and science.

The reference librarians can also be of great assistance in locating sources and honing your topic.  Check the library website under the link “Research Help” for more information or to schedule an individual appointment with a librarian.