Adrian Ferenc


An Exploration of Difference Triangles


Abstract:  In this talk, we will define and show examples of Difference Triangles adhering to different properties. We will begin with simple facts concerning Difference Triangles that will be helpful throughout this talk. We then move on to Increasing Difference Triangles, and then finally onto Row Sum Triangles. These triangles, and methods of constructing them, will be shown to be useful tools for solving different types of mathematical problems. Some types of problems include summations and identities of recursive sequences.


Melissa Joy


Age-Conditional Risk of Developing Cancer


Abstract:  Have you ever investigated your risk of developing cancer?  You can go online and take a quick survey and find out your risk.  These risk calculators take into a variety of factors such as family history, complexion for skin cancers, smoking habits for lung cancer and much more.  However, many of them rely mainly on age-conditional probabilities.  The age-conditional probability of getting a disease, or ACPDvD, is the probability of getting the disease in the next certain number of years given you are alive and disease free up until now. This talk will summarize the method for estimating the age-conditional risk of developing cancer using statistics that are readily available.



Thursday, April 3rd


Fowler 302

Preceded by a Reception

Everyone is invited!