Rafael Sanchez


A Tale of Two Heroes:

Problem Generating Video Games


Abstract:  The lives of two of our favorite heroes are brought to life with the java programming language.  For my comps I have written a computer video game in java entitled Math Heroes. This game launches two popular math problems to be solved by a player taking on the role of Indiana Jones or King Arthur and presented as an adventure game.  The program randomly generates instances of the bridge-crossing problem or the knights and knaves problems with certain requirements.  Since the program generates a new instance of the problem each time, one person can run the program several times to play different variations of these two problems.  In my presentation I will explain these problems and the programming involved in making this game work as well as the challenges of making sure the instances created are solvable and nontrivial.   




Thursday, March 27th


Fowler 302

Preceded by a Reception

Everyone is invited!