Cognitive Science 320

animated gifs

The Circuitry of the central pattern generator that controls the pyloric regions of the stomach in the crab.  AB is an interneuron, the other cells are motor neurons.  All of the chemical synapses make up the circuit are inhibitory (filled circles); the synapses between the AB, PD, and VD neurons are electrical (resistor symbols).  The function of the AB is an interneuron, PD is a dilator, LP is a constrictor, VD is a dilator, IC = ?, and PY is a constrictor.  (Information taken from Neurons and Networks An Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience, 2nd edition  by John Dowling.)

The above figure shows the effects of serotonin (at the right) on three of the neurons in the pyloric central pattern generator.  Following the application of serotonin, the alternating bursting of activity between the PD and LP neurons is replaced by a pattern in which three PD bursts are interspersed between one long LP burst of activity.  Furthermore, the PY neuron ceases to fire when serotonin is present.

The three following figures show the major functional synaptic pathways in the pyloric central pattern generator following the application of dopamine, octopamine, and serotonin, respectively, to the stomatogastric ganglion.  These agents increase the strength of some synaptic interactions, weaken others, and leave some unchanged.


