Algebraic Simplex Method - Initial Solution Previous Next
The Initial Solution
Consider the initial system of equations exhibited above. Equations (1) and (2) include two more variables than equations. Therefore, two of the variables (the nonbasic variables) can be arbitrarily assigned a value of zero in order to obtain a specific solution (the basic solution) for the other two variables (the basic variables). This basic solution will be feasible if the value of each basic variable is nonnegative. The best of the basic feasible solutions is known to be an optimal solution, so the simplex method finds a sequence of better and better basic feasible solutions until it finds the best one.
To begin the simplex method, choose the slack variables to be the basic variables, so  and  are the nonbasic variables to set equal to zero. The values of  and  now can be obtained from the system of equations.
The resulting basic feasible solution is , and . Is this solution optimal?