Tamás Lengyel, Professor of Mathematics

Field: Probability theory, statistics, combinatorics

Dr. Lengyel, Professor of Mathematics, has research interest in multivariate statistical analysis, and the combinatorial and algorithmic aspects of applied mathematics.

He has published in The European Journal of Combinatorics, Congressus Numerantium, Analysis, SIAM Review, The Fibonacci Quarterly, Discrete Mathematics, Journal of Combinatorics, Information & System Sciences, Sankhya, Ars Combinatoria, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Integers (Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory), Elemente der Mathematik, Journal of Integer Sequences, Applied Mathematics Letters, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Journal of  Statistical Computation and Simulation, International Journal of Combinatorics, Statistics & Probability Letters, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Geombinatorics Quarterly, P-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering (IJEME), Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, International Journal of Number Theory, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory, Journal of Number Theory, Communications in  Statistics--Theory and Methods, and The Proceedings of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Click here if you want to read about Lengyel's Constant apparently named so by Profs. Flajolet and Salvy (see also the local copy of a more detailed description from the (now defunct) collection Favorite Mathematical Constants / Discrete Structures developed and maintained by Steven Finch at the MathSoft site or follow the papers link below). You can also read about the Lengyel numbers apparently named so by Profs. Barsky and Bézivin (also see here).

Click here for a selection of papers in downloadable form.

Phone: (323) 259-2516

e-mail: lengyel@oxy.edu

Occidental College / Math. Dept.

last update: 11/20/2019 by tl