Prof. Maryanne Horowitz
Prof. Maryanne Horowitz
Class Meets: M,W, F 11:30-12:25 Location:
Johnson 104
Office: Swan 316 323-259-2583 (for messages, best to leave message on email)
Office Hours: W. 2:30-4:25, F 12:30-1:25 and by appointment
Horowitz Homepage Use updated syllabus
on-line: From homepage, go to courses, then hist.
Campus mail to Horowitz mailbox, |
e-mail horowitz@oxy.edu |
See list of readings at the reserve
desk of the library.
Books in Bookstore:
Eugene Rice and Anthony Grafton Foundations of
Early Modern
Paul Kléber Monod, The
Power of Kings: Monarchy and Religion in
Desiderius Erasmus, The Praise of Folly and other Writings, Norton
Perez Zagorin, How the Idea of
Religious Toleration Came to the
John Locke, The Second Treatise of Government and A Letter Concerning Toleration
See Reserves and Electronic Reserves: Some items required on syllabus, others recommended.
25% each:
1) Attendance & participation including short written assignments 2)
Midterm essay exam in 2 class hours; 3)Final exam Wed.
May 9,8:30-11:30 a.m.4)
8 page paper plus endnotes and bibliography on historical controversy.
Suggestion sheet handed out first day of class.
For endnotes and bibliography
If you have specific physical or learning
disabilities and require accommodations, please let me know early in the
semester so that your learning needs may be appropriately met. You will
need to provide documentation of your disability to Linda Whitney, Coordinator
of Academic Support Services, Center
for Academic Excellence.
In papers, include citations to student comments in class (name, date),
documents and interpretations within class readings, library books, footnoted
articles in journals or in on-line journals as in Wilson Select under First
Search at the Occidental
College Library Homepage.
For example, use resources in my Renaissance
Students are encouraged to share information on sources by URL or by giving
author, article title, journal title, volume (year), pages (indicate if in
library or how available on-line by a specific search engine)
1) 1450 as Turning Point to Early Modernity
Read and bring Foundations of Early Modern Europe (abbreviation Foundations), preface, intro., chs. 1-3.
M. Jan. 22 Introduction to
W Jan. 24 Bring Rice. "Lecture: 1450
as Turning Point. The Turks Conquering
F. Jan 26 Bring Erasmus Praise of Folly and Other
Writings. Lecture "High Renaissance Art in
Peter Bruegel the Elder, The Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559 http://www.artchive.com/artchive/B/bruegel/proverbs.jpg.html
2) The European Renaissance in Art and Ideas, 1450-1520
Read Foundations, ch. 4. Bring Erasmus Praise of Folly and Other Writings (abbreviation Erasmus) each day this week (assignments below). Recommended on reserve Kathleen Williams, ed. Twentieth Century Interpretation of The Praise of Folly.
M. Jan. 28 Bring Erasmus. Individual students present viewpoint of Trevor-Roper, Allen, Huizinga, Bakhtin, Kristeller and Adams (pp. 265-338) Then group work on Colloquies of Erasmus
W. Jan. 31 Student Presentations from Erasmus "Abbot and the Learned Lady," pp. 222-227 and "The Alchemy Scam", pp. 175-180.Discuss "Julius Excluded from Heaven," on Pope Julius II, pp. 142-173.
F. Feb.2 An Interpretation of Luther. Start individual analysis of Praise of Folly.
3) Contrasting Approaches of Erasmus and Luther See Film "Luther"
M. Feb. 5 Read Foundations, ch. 5. Meet in Special Collections, 3rd floor of library to see Sixteenth Century Books.
W. Feb. 7 Bring and discuss Erasmus, Praise of Folly, pp. 6-88. Compare and contrast Erasmus and Luther in tone, approach, and impact.
F. Feb. 9 Lecture "Renaissance and
Reformation in 16th Century Northern European Art" (For reference to
images, see on Reserve Janson's History of
Art, ch. 18) Pass in 2 copies of your
summary of assigned l document in electronic reserve Kingdon,
"Was the Protestant Reformation a Revolution? The Case
4) Imagination vs. Document as Paths to Understanding the 16th Century
Read on electronic reserve Robert M. Kingdon
"Was the Protestant Reformation a Revolution? The Case of
Geneva" and analyze the documents he includes as evidence. Read on
electronic reserve Palmer and
M. Feb. 12
Class to meet in Brown Lab, main floor of lifbrary. Library
Workshop with Marla Peppers to help you find more recent sources on your
controversial issue. All
Students make Brief Presentations on Book
W. Feb. 14 Film on
F. Feb. 16 Film continues Ever
After. Email to Prof. Horowitz by 5 p.m
2 pages doublespace statement & endnotes on your
interpretation of whether
5) Toward the New Monarchies of 17th Century
Read on electronic reserve Palmer and
Read Monod Intro pp.2-9, 25-31 and ch. 2 1589-1610. Always read Monod with his endnotes to see how he documents primary and secondary sources; follow same technique in your paper.
M. Feb. 19 Holiday
W. Feb. 21 Lecture: "Sovereignty in Rebuilding
F. Feb. 23 Bring Monod. for analyzing images. Introduction to Monod's The Power of Kings
Read on electronic reserve Palmer and
M. Feb. 26 Michael Wood, Art of the Western World Video: "Realms of light"
W. Feb. 28 Lecture: "
F. March 2 Bring Monod---what is his interpretation of
7) Exam March 7 & 9 and Background to Persecutions Review. Be prepared to write on Erasmus in detail and how Renaissance contributed to Reformation; master all of Foundations of Early Modern Europe, other assignments and lectures. Draw on images in lectures and books, as well as on documents.
M. March 5
Precedents for Persecution. Read Zagorin,
preface and chapters 1 and 2. Heritage: Civilization and the Jews,
part 4, The crucible of
W. March 7 Essay Exam: Focus on Renaissance to Reformation, Erasmus, Luther, Calvin. Oxy’s Mid-Term
F. March 9 Essay Exam:
Everything else we studied.
Spring Break March 12-16
8) Persecution and Beginnings of Toleration
M. March 19 Lecture on "Why idea of toleration was so difficult to achieve: Precedents in Hebrew conquest of Canaan, Roman State-Established Religion, and Roman Catholic persecution of heretics in late antiquity and in High Middle Ages."
W. March 21 Discuss Zagorin, chs. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
F. March 23 Lecture "The Baroque in
9) The
M. March 26 Film on Vermeer Girl
with a
W. March 28 Finish Film. Girl
with a
F. March 30 Bring and discuss Zagorin, continue ch. 5 and ch. 6 The Great English Toleration Controversy 1640-1660.
Discussion of Toleration and Freedom of Speech & Press during English Civil War.
10) Locke and Bayle
Read on electronic reserve Wiesner, Ruff, and Wheeler, "Science and Religion Confront Eighteenth-Century Natural Disaster," pp. 52-81.
M. April 2 Bring and discuss Zagorin, chs. 7-8 Brief Student Presentations Pass in a paragraph Abstract of your paper, attaching specific interpretations to specific historians. Pass in Bib. again; pass in returned bib.
W. April 4 See Black Robe.Abba Eban, on French Jesuits and Algonquins, first 55 minutes. Pass in 2 copies to Horowitz mailbox of 2 typed pages on evidence of changing views about miracle in documents in Wiesner, Ruff, and Wheeler.
F. April 6 Bring and discuss assignments in ch 6 and Locke, "A Letter Concerning Toleration," pp. 113-153. Relate Locke's views to other thinkers discussed in Zagorin.
11) Reassessing Absolutism
Read on electronic reserve Palmer and
M. April 9 Student Presentations
W. April 11 Lecture: Louis XIV, "Absolute" arbiter of taste, etiquette, and design (slides, especially of Versailles)
Fr. April 13 Student Presentations
12) Reassessing Theory of Representation
Read Monod ch. 5 1660-1690; Read Locke, pp. 1-67.
M. April 16 Discuss exercise on science and miracle; Monod.
W. April 19 Continued discussion of Monod.
F. April 20 Bring and Discuss Locke, The Second Treatise of Government pp. 1-67
13) Politics in
Read and analyze Locke.
M. April 23 Rewrites of science and miracle exercise accepted for regrading. Bring and discuss Locke, The Second Treatise of Government pp. 68- 112
W. April 25 Political Situation at Beginning of Eighteenth Century (includes important points of Monod Ch. 6)
F. April 27 Paper Due in Two Copies. See Requirements above and handout of paper assignment.
14) The Emergence of Secular Space: Religious Fanaticism vs. Toleration; The King's Touch vs. Sovereignty
Read Monod, ch. 6 and Conclusion.
M. April 30 Review art lectures, notes. Michael Wood, Art of the Western World Video. An age of reason, an age of passion. Bring Monod to discuss visual evidence of transformation in images of royalty.
W. May 2 Evaluations. Bring Monod, Locke, and Zagorin. Christian rulers in the 16th and 17th century showed close identification with the sacred as a basis of authority, yet there emerged ideas of a sovereign rational state, of toleration, and of representative government. Major themes documented by visual evidence include: women's domesticity in art of the Low Countries, representing political authority visually-print, painting, architecture, decorative arts (monarchs, as well as assemblies); combining the political and the religious in representation of monarchs; contrast of state of nature (Algonquins) vs. French civilization (libertine & Jesuit); emphasizing miracle via Baroque divine light. Instructions for Final Exam.
May 3 Oxy last day for withdraws from class.
Final exam by Wed. May 9 concludes 11:30 a.m.(pass in via email by then) ( 15 Senior Grades Due. 20 Oxy graduation)