CSP 53 Renaissance and Enlightenment Individuals     Spring 2019

  11:45-12:40 MWF   in room  

Prof. Maryanne Horowitz 
Office: Swan 314   323-259-2583 (x2583 on campus) 
Office Hours:
Mon. 1:00-3:05 p.m. &  8:00-8:20 a.m Wed.  and Fri.   Also by appointment

Books for Purchase: (bookstore or used same edition at Amazon.com)

Required to bring appropriate book to class for discussing texts and images:  (pb. or loose-leaf is best)

FieroHumanistic Tradition: European Renaissance, the Reformation, and Global Encounter, book 3, 7th  edition

FieroHumanistic Tradition: Faith Reason and Power in the Early Modern World, book 4, 7th  edition

Optional: (as one may use at class reserves or by link plus loan) Robert C. Davis and Beth LindsmithRenaissance People

CSP 66 Reading by week (Do by Monday): 

1)      Wed. Jan. 23. Begin applying CORE statement on critical thinking in discussion and in writing (topic 1 in MOODLE).

Asked in class for you to pick 2 individuals from Renaissance People to introduce compare orally in class. Signups will start Fri., talks next week.

Fri Jan. 25-Discussion of Boccaccio 15.1 and Christine 15.3  Have completed Fiero, book 3,  ch. 15 on 14th Century.

1)      Mon. Jan 28 discuss 14th c. art (100 years’ war, Catholic ritual objects, shift to realistic space in Giotto and Limbourgs.  Is there any “individualistic” portrayals in this chapter?

Wed. Jan. 30  Discuss English author Chaucer (15.4). Compare his realism to Boccaccio’s. Consider similarities of “realism” in visual arts and literature.

Fri. Feb. 1. Writing workshop: Bring Fiero and 2 copies of your draft or your sentence outline of your paper due Monday. Sentence outline would be topical sentences of your paragraphs. On Castiglione’s Book of the Courtier, 16.4, 16.6, 16.7.

2)      Mon. Feb. 4  Ch. 16 completed on humanists (Feb. 4 paper 1 due  in two stapled copies)  Writing Workshop in class. Make appointment in writing center


 Wed. Feb. 6   Go to Thorne Hall for final CSP lecture: Dr. Manuel Pastor “Toward the Just City: Environment, Economic Inclusion, and Making the Future in Los Angeles”

   Fri. Feb. 8, What are Prof. Pastor’s main points? What are your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing?

Mon. Feb. 11 Ch. 17 completed on artists.  Powerpoint Lecture on 15th century Florentine art and architecture.

Wed. Feb. 13 Last day for oral presentations from Renaissance People. Start chapter 19 on Reformers (excerpt from Luther and Erasmus)  (not assigned chapter on cross-cultural encounters) Bring l or 2 drafts of paper for writing workshop.

**Fri. Feb. 15  Discuss selection from Montaigne’s “On Cannibals” and from More’s “Utopia”   

Pass in paper l with 2 earlier copies with markings by prof and students (OK also from the Writing Center) stapled to the back of the rewrite of the paper. Email also a pdf. of revised paper labelled

Spring2019-CSP 53-"first" or "last"- ID number.    We’ll use “last” for final research paper.
Example:  Spring2019-CSP53-First-A0123456789.     Paper graded this weekend.

5) Mon. Feb. 18 President’s Day Holiday.

W. Feb. 20  In-class Timed Writing Exercise (arranged by CORE).

 Fri. Feb. 22 Visit by Catherine Anderson and Gaby Verdolini of Writing Center.  Bring your 2 volumes of Fiero.

Workshops of students sharing common interests in types of individuals and areas of vocation to research for discussion of paper plan.   Pass in list of 2 individuals (1500-1815) you’d like to discuss in next paper. In the paper you’ll need to cite some primary sources for your critical analysis.

Student written suggestions for 25-minute questions in essay exam welcome.

6) Mon Feb. 25  Fiero, vol. 4,  ch. 20 completed.  Pass in plan with bibliography for next paper (2 individuals, topics to discuss, bibliography divided into primary sources and secondary sources.) .  Student written suggestions for 25-minute questions in essay exam welcome.

W. Feb. 27 In-class essay exam (2 25-minute questions) on Fiero book 3, chs. 16 (Classical Humanism) , 17 (Renaissance Artists), 19 (Protest and Reform) and class work.  (Omitted ch. 15 as most of papers l on those images and readings) Go directly to MAC LAB, bottom floor of Library, near Writing Center.

F. March 1 Bring Fiero, ch. 21 for class reading of Molière, comic playwright, and ch. 22 to discuss 2 selections from Francis Bacon, empiricist.

Pass in l paragraph that is an abstract of your intended RESEARCH paper.  In class analysis of portraits in Fiero, chs. 21 and 22.  From the image, describe the person in words. What does the artist emphasize?

7) Mon. March 4  See below:   “ the following are polished paper deadlines.” We meet in Brown Lab, just right of Circulation Desk in Academic Commons. Pass in paper 2. Samantha Alfrey, Digital Humanities, will lead a workshop on building your bibliography for research paper.


Wed. March 6 Fiero, ch. 21, reading only pp. 61-78 & then  map 21.1 and Figures: 19, 23, 24, 26 , 27 and “Looking Back”

Fri. March 8 We are intentionally jumping ahead in Fiero to introduce the Enlightenment by  analyzing 2 English political theorists contemporary with Louis XIV and influenced in two different ways by the English Revolution 1640-1660: in Fiero ch. 24,  pp. 134-139 :Hobbes' Leviathan 24.1 and Locke's Second Treatise of Civil Government 24.2 (which influenced Thomas Jefferson)  


8)      M March 18 Fiero, ch. 22 completed. Students assigned historical person to analyze in film this week


W. March 20 (See Research paper intermediary deadlines. One item allowed to email to  horowitz@oxy.edu) Email your topic.    Film starts in class Return of Martin Guerre

F. March 22 Film Return of Martin Guerre  Fiero, ch. 23 completed. Be prepared to discuss the historical person you were assigned in Return of Martin Guerre.

9) Mon. March 25 (See Research paper intermediary deadlines, 2 copies. Bibliography divided in Primary and Secondary Sources. 2 copies. Include improved paragraph focusing on what you’ve found for comparison and contrast. 

Portraits assigned for Wed.

Wed. March 27 Discussion of Bibliographies passed back.  Students have portraits to discuss (artist’s approach, what you learn about subject)

Fri. March 29 Discuss techniques for observation for science and the arts in early modern period.


10) M.April 1 Fiero, ch. 24 completed

W April 3 Writing Workshop. Bring 2 copies of 5 page paper due Fri. for making improvements.

F April 5  (See Research Paper Intermediary Deadlines, 2 copies of 5 pages of research paper plus endnotes and bibliography)  Pass in 2 copies of paper at 11:45 a.m. (lt will be commented upon by another student by Monday) Then we will go to Choi Auditorium to hear Law Professor Kimberle Crenshaw, who popularized the concept of intersectionality.



11) M April 8 Bring other student’s paper with your comments. Fiero, ch. 25 completed   Pass in sentence outline of your entire research paper. Pass in Outline with asterix * for primary source analysis and a check where you present a debate between secondary sources.

W April 10 (See Research Paper Intermediary Deadlines) Oral Presentations begin

F. April 12  EXAM 2. Go directly to MAC Lab, bottom floor of Academic Commons, location same as last exam.  

M. April 15  Oral Presentationsj


W. April 17 Final research paper  (2 copies, paginated. Also email a pdf labelled

Spring2019-CSP53-Last-A0123456789.     Where numbers are, put in your ID.

Oral Presentations

F. April 19 Oral Presentations. Drafts and Papers returned with Comments for re-passing in

Wed. April 24.


11)  M April 22  Fiero, ch. 26 completed. Optional assignment: Pass in of your answers to questions on Candide. (makes up for 3 days absences or is extra credit)  .

W. Ap. 24.  Stapled improved paper, endnotes, divided bibliography (Pagination, Times Roman, 12 point and arabic numerals 1,2, 3 in endnotes) (send improved pdf. also).  Include only the stapled marked up paper submitted April 17.  Before endnotes, put asterix* and say something like I’d like to thank the following for constructive discussion of my paper: (specific students in class, writing center workers, digital humanities staff, librarian, etc,)    Email final .pdf of paper. These papers will be graded.

W. April 24   Film Danton

F. April 26  Film Danton Discuss stages of French Revolution

M. April 29 Last class. Student evaluations on laptops.  Most papers returned.


Spring  Writing Requirement: At least 15-20 pages of “finished writing” (excludes drafts) from each student, including at least two brief papers before the spring break and a final 10-12 page research essay connected to the topic of the seminar. The research essay should reflect an articulated process of assignments (question and thesis development, research, bibliography or literature search, drafting, etc.) developing over several weeks.  

In CSP 53, spring 2019, 3 of the typed pages will be in 2 in-class writing of an essay on readings and classwork. Paper 1 is 3 pages with Univ. of Chicago endnotes. Paper 2 is 2 pages plus Univ. of Chicago endnotes.   Research paper is maximum 10 pages plus U. Chicago endnotes and bibliography. A page is Times Roman, 12 Point, with one inch margins. Prof. Horowitz expects paper to be passed in personally, properly paginated and stapled. Emails are not acceptable for passing in assignments.


POLICY: All papers handed to Professor (not emailed).  1 grade off for l class period late, 2 grades off for paper 1 passed in the Wed. after Fri. due date.  With doctor’s note for waiver of penalty, one still needs another student to bring the preliminary paper work to the professor.

Class attendance, intelligent discussion of readings, in-class writing, interest in and helpfulness to classmates’ writing contributes to overall classroom participation  20%

Paper l  rewritten  10 %  

Paper 2                  10 %

In-class  essay exam  2   10 % each    On exams,  you will be asked to make generalizations about  2 periods (Different chapters in Fiero), backing up generalizations with specific examples.

Class participation 20 %                 

Final Research paper 40% (10% is from proper U. Chicago Endnotes & Bibliography)

Learning Goals and Outcomes for Spring CSPs:

Goal 1: Effective College-Level Writing. Students will demonstrate proficiency in expository essay writing as they gain and refine their knowledge of the conventions of academic discourse.

Outcome 1.1: Students will develop writing that responds with insight and originality to the criteria and requirements of the assignment, demonstrating their understanding of the course materials and topics through the use of specific examples and evidence from scholarly sources.

Outcome 1.2: Students will develop writing using features appropriate for college-level expository papers including: thesis or main idea, clarity of focus, organization, and conventions of grammar, style, mechanics, and usage.  

Please bring early drafts of papers with assignment to the Writing Center for additional help:

The Writing Center (located on the Ground Floor of the Academic Commons) offers students from all disciplines two types of support to work on their writing: peer-to-peer, drop-in consultations with knowledgeable Writing Advisers, Sunday through Thursday from 7:00-11:00 p.m., and appointments with Faculty Writing Specialists from the Writing and Rhetoric department. Information about the Writing Center and a link to the appointment system is on the WC website:


Disability Services Statement: Students with documented disabilities who are registered with Disability Services are required to present their accommodation letter to the instructor at the beginning of each semester or as soon as possible thereafter. Any student who experiences physical or mental impairments may contact Disability Services at (323) 259-2969 to learn about available services and support. More information is available at http://www.oxy.edu/disability-services.


Spring Writing Requirement: At least 15-20 pages of “finished writing” (excludes drafts) from each student,  including at least two brief papers before the spring break (March 12-16 M-F),  and a final 10-12 page research essay connected to the topic of the seminar. The research essay should reflect an articulated process of assignments (question and thesis development, research, bibliography or literature search, drafting, etc.) developing over several weeks.

In CSP 53, the following are polished paper deadlines: Guidebook is Turabian's Student's Guide to Writing College Papers (Hacker on reserve also useful.)

Format like this:  Times Roman, 12 Point, doublespace,  l inch margins, paginated, stapled. Either 2-sided or l-sided, but endnotes should start on a new page.   Ipads are not as good as computers in making endnotes.

Mon. Feb. 4 3 pages stapled, paginated paper in 2 copies due at beginning of class. Prompt: Compare and contrast texts and images discussed in Fiero vol. 3 to show beliefs, ideas, tastes, or images changing over time or differing by region, or distinctive to one individual in contrast to another individual.  Include Univ. of Chicago Endnotes (first word in endnote is the author or artist you are citing, last word is the page number and for a text possibly line number).   

Fri. Feb. 15 rewrite of paper 1 due with marked first draft; email pdf of rewritten paper.

Mon. March 4 2-3 page stapled, paginated paper in 2 copies due at beginning of class.  Prompt: Discuss diverse ways of expressing individuality in 2 Renaissance or Enlightenment individuals by your analysis of primary sources. Include at least 1 individual in recommended book by Davis and Lindsmith (does not have to be your featured 2 individuals). Include Univ. of Chicago Endnotes with references to primary sources. It is OK to be seeking out the 2 individuals for your research paper focus and to feature l in this paper. (Writing so far contributes to your Writing Rubric Score for spring term.)  By student request, papers may be passed in Wed. March 6 with preparatory step passed in Mon. March 4 of topical sentence list (or sentence outline) and preferably a list of primary and secondary sources.

Wed.  April 17 Prompt: Write a research paper on 2 individuals 1300-1820 who contributed to at least one common field of endeavor.  Consider primary source evidence of their contributions as well as diverse viewpoints in secondary sources. Use your own critical thinking. Compare and contrast their lives, their expressions of individuality, and their contributions. Text will be 10 pages plus U. Chicago endnotes and Bibliography.  Bibliography divided into Primary and Secondary sources should include beyond class books at least 2 encyclopedia articles, 6 books & 2 endnoted journal articles.     Pass in also stapled preliminary drafts with comments. *In unusual situation of student not participating in class process of drafts, student is required to pass in the messy accumulation of reading notes, library list of books checked out, early drafts.

Intermediary Research Paper deadlines: 

W March 20 Propose paper topic in a paragraph (this l item allowed to emailed to horowitz@oxy.edu)

M March 25 Pass in 2 copies of U. Chicago Working Bibliography divided into Primary and  Secondary.  Include improved paragraph focusing on what you’ve found for comparison and contrast.  

                   Sources (with call numbers at Oxy or Link+ or ILL)

F April 5 Pass in 2 paginated copies of 5 pp. plus endnotes and bibliography.

M April 8  Pass in 2 copies of sentence outline of paper (topical sentences of paragraphs)

Oral presentations of papers begin April 10.

W April 17 Complete paper due in 2 paginated copies and an emailed pdf.  Pass in also stapled preliminary drafts with comments.

Added after reading papers:

W April 24   Stapled improved paper, endnotes, divided bibliography (Pagination, Times Roman, 12 point and arabic numerals 1,2, 3 in endnotes) (send improved pdf. also).  Include only the stapled marked up paper submitted April 17.



   Timed Writing Exercise Feb. 20, 2019. CORE is administering this in class through a timed portal in Moodle. Students will need to bring a lap-top to class; those who have no lap-top will be provided with one for the test. Students who have registered with disability services and who need extra time will be able to take the test in the library, and will have tailored Moodle portals.  Please reach out if you have questions about the TWE. Review CSP Lecture notes and summer reading. The final CSP Lecture of the year will be given by Manuel Pastor.  Summer reading: Mohsin Hamid's How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia; common writing text (Turabian, Colomb, and Williams, Student's Guide to Writing College Papers, 4th edition).



This Class Policies: Medical note required to miss exam or class presentation. Paper preparation is long term with expectation of early drafts and later improvements; therefore paper-as-is must be passed in at paper deadline even if medical note allows a time extension for final draft.  Full attendance expected. Computers during class are only for note-taking and for looking at websites of this class (Syllabus, MOODLE)


The Writing Center (located on the Ground Floor of the Academic Commons) offers students from all disciplines two types of support to work on their writing: peer-to-peer, drop-in consultations with knowledgeable Writing Advisers, Sunday through Thursday from 7:00-11:00 p.m., and appointments with Faculty Writing Specialists from the Writing and Rhetoric department. Remember to bring your class paper assignment and your drafts to an appointment.  Information about the Writing Center and a link to the appointment system is on the WC website:          https://www.oxy.edu/writing-center.

College Policy on Academic Honesty: Current policy at http://www.oxy.edu/student-handbook/academic-ethics/academic-ethics.   This class helps prevent plagiarism by teaching you how to note either quoted or summarized in Endnotes, and Primary and Secondary Source Bibliographies in University of Chicago Style (See guidebook by Turabian or Hacker).  It is appropriate to bring an early draft of your paper to faculty office hours to discuss whether you are properly putting reading into your own words and putting quotation marks when borrowing phrases, and whether you are making notation for both your summaries and your quotations.

College Policy on Disabilities: Students with documented disabilities who are registered with Disability Services are required to present their accommodation letter to the instructor at the beginning of each semester or as soon as possible thereafter. Any student who experiences significant physical or mental impairments may contact Disability Services at (323) 259-2969 to learn about available services and support.  More information is available at


Title IX Statement:

It is important for you to know that all faculty members are mandated reporters of any incidents of sexual misconduct. That means that I cannot keep information about sexual misconduct confidential if you share that information with me.


Marianne Frapwell, the Survivor Advocate, can advise you confidentially as can counselors at Emmons Wellness Center and Rev. Susan Young, Director of the Office of Religious & Spiritual Life. You can also contact counselors at the 24/7 Hotline 323-341-4141. Marianne can also help you access other resources on campus and in the local community. You can reach Marianne at 323-259-1359 or survivoradvocate@oxy.edu and her office is in Stewart-Cleland Hall Lower Lounge.

The sexual misconduct policy, along with additional resources, can be found at: http://www.oxy.edu/sexual-respect-title-ix/policies-procedures.

Students are expected to carefully read and abide by the rules of the Student Handbook.     http://www.oxy.edu/student-handbook/general-college-policies.  The Handbook on-line has separate links for Academic Ethics, Code of Student Conduct, General College Policies, Res Ed & Housing Policies. 

Accomodations for Reasons of Faith and Conscience Statement: Consistent with Occidental College’s commitment to creating an academic community that is respectful of and welcoming to persons of differing backgrounds, we believe that students should be excused from class for reasons of faith and conscience without academic consequence.  While it is not feasible to schedule coursework around all days of conviction for a class as a whole, faculty will honor requests from individual students to reschedule coursework, to be absent from classes that conflict with the identified days.  Information about this process is available on the ORSL website: https://www.oxy.edu/office-religious-spiritual-life.